Monday, January 10, 2011


There's a lot of mistakes we all make when we are trying to recover after a broken relationship. Honestly if you follow all these steps, everything will work out. You will be happy again. I promise (:

1.End all communication- avoid them as much as possible. Don't text, IM, or call them.
2.Get rid all of reminders- don't keep anything that reminds you of him
3.Confide in friends- you truly need to vent and let your friends know what you're going through
4.Stop chasing- you can't be hoping that things will work out and you'll get back with them
5.Let go- along the lines of 4. You have to let go of them. And truly mean it.
6.Everything happens for a reason- It's true. There's a reason that person is no longer a part of your life.
7.Stop dreaming- along the lines of number 4 and 5. You can't fantasize about them.
8.Pray to God- Faith really does pull your through anything and everything.
9.Don't tell yourself they will change- Truth is they probably won't. You can't expect anyone to change for you. Nor should you want them to. If you loved them, you'd love them just they way they are.
10.Time- It's cliche. It sucks. But it's completely trueeeeee
11.Take it each day at a time- if you take it one day at a time everything seems simpler.
12.Happiness WILL come- You have to believe this. With all your heart.
13.Let love find you- you can't go looking for the right person. When the time is right, they will come into your life.
14.Rubber band punishment- whenever you catch yourself thinking about them, snap a rubber band on your skin. It will be a quick reminder to stop doing that.
15.Exercise- whenever you're stressed or depressed, go for a run. Do some cardio. When you exercise, hormones are released that make you feel better. There's a more scientifical answer if you want to spend the time and look it up lol
16.Keep yourself busy- when you're busy doing work or other things, it give you less time to think about that person.
17.Do what makes you happy- obviously that will lift your mood
18.Remember the negatives- it's mean to say, but you need to remember the negatives of that person and the relationship. It keeps everything in perspective.
19.Journal- it may sound silly, but it truly helps you release your emotions.
20.Stay optimisic- if you believe something it affects the way things turn out.
21.Cry- it may be viewed as "weak", but it really is good to let out your emotions.
22.Meet new people- it's fun to flirt and just have a good time. just be cautious not to expect things to occur.
23.Reward yourself when you reach a goal- if you set a goal like not talking for a month and you reach that, then reward yoursef
24.Spend time with friends- obviously it will make you feel great laughing it up with your buds
25.Goal: to be comfortable on your own- the ultimate goal is to be happy and content on your own

It's hard but if you follow all this, you're going to alright. No, you're going to be great :]

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